David Brook uit Engeland koopt geregeld bij ons. Hij schreef:
I would just like to express my sincere gratitude at the level of service provided by Holland Link. Even at this busy time of the year, December. I am based in England and I ordered some Furutech cable and it arrived within 3 days. Your service cannot be faulted and I look forward to dealing with you again very soon.
Best Regards
David Brook
Max. O uit Portugal, kocht de Isotek Aquarius power conditioner. Dit schreef hij: Hi Jan, I’ve received the equipment and everything is OK. The Isotek Aquarius is astonishing. I just want say thank you, it was a pleasure doing business with you. Cheers, Max

Reon B. kocht de AYON Crossfire II single ended triode buizenversterker. Hij schreef: Hi Jan I just want to give some feedback. I am very pleased with the Ayon Crossfire II that I purchased from you. I have now ‘burned it in” for 50 hours and it simply sounds wonderful with my Vivid Audio B1 speakers. My other components are: Musical Fidelity A5 CD player, Harmonic Technology Magic Link II interconnects and Harmonic Technology Pro-9 plus speaker cables. The system now sounds wonderfully musical and natural. The sound is fast and very transparent with a very open sound stage. But more importantly, the detail never distracts as with my previous amp. All the detail is there, but forms an integrated whole that simply sounds relaxed, flowing and real. It is by far the best amp I have owned and probably the best that I have heard. Kind regards Reon
Thank you. Item received – prompt despatch!
Arrived today. Absolutely delighted. The plugs are worth every penny! Many thanks