Holland Link webshop is operated by Audiocorner and focuses on consulting and sale for above-average HiFi. Common sense prevails here. Therefore no exotic and unaffordable products. Only high-end with real class. And a reasonable price tag. A contented customer is what we aim for: at home he’ll have to like the looks of his new purchases and enjoy listening to it.
We sell high-end quality audio components, mainly for high-end connections. This activity will mainly interest DIY enthousiasts, who will save substantially by doing the soldering themselves.
Our warehouse is located in Lutjebroek (50 km north of Amsterdam). For information or to pick up your orders, see the Contact page.
Showroom of Audiocorner in Lutjebroek
Ayon Audio High End components: GyrFalcon Loudspeakers, Crossfire III and Triton EVO Tubes Amplifyer, CD-35 player and S-10 Networkplayer
Transrotor ZET-1 TMD turntable with Konstant M-1 and Sunilda phono pre-amp.
Other: WireWorld Spaceport powerconditioner, various cabling by Jorma, Furutech, VandenHul, Wireworld and Kondo Audio Note. Plus Holland Link webshop articles …
For an impression, read the shop visit by Christiaan Punter form HFA.

Call/mail for a visit (including evenings/weekend)
We are dealers for these brands:
Audio Note UK
Audio Technica
Aurum Cantus Ayon Audio
Benz Micro Switzerland Bryston
Chord Electronics ETI Furutech
Jorma design
KONDO Audio Note Japan
Neotech / NTEC by HNNY
SME Supra Cables Transrotor Van den Hul
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